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One simple change to create a WOW factor every day.

Smart Financial Solutions for Law Firms

Everything you choose to do, or not do, has an impact on marketing your business and your client relationships. Here is a simple way to make a memorable impression every day. Have you listened to your voicemail greeting lately? Listen to it. Then have a friend or co-worker listen. Ask them how they felt after hearing it. Does it leave them feeling energized, disappointed, hopeless, unimportant or confident their message will be treated with the level of importance they expect?

I know client service is an important part of your culture. It has to be in order for you to be successful. Here are more tips: Marketing Tips for Getting and Keeping Clients. Have you ever thought about the impact a voice mail greeting may have on your clients – current and prospects. I was working the front desk the other day – something as the administrator of the law firm I find very valuable to occasionally do. Sitting there, taking calls, you really get the pulse of the business. In today’s world, many client calls end up being placed in the attorney’s voicemail. The clients are OK with leaving a message and I assure them that the attorney or paralegal will follow up with them in a timely fashion. Then towards the end of the day, I see a pattern being revealed. The clients who called early in the morning are now calling again expressing disappointment and frustration because their attorney has not called back.

So why not build a WOW factor into your voicemail messages? Rethink your voicemail greeting and make it memorable. Leave them with a WOW moment. I recently changed my greeting to the following:

“Hello, this is Peggy. Thank you for your call today and for aking the time to leave a message. It must be important to you and I will certainly treat it as such. Our firm is committed to providing great client service. Please leave a message and I will commit to following up within 24hrs or if I am unable to, someone from the firm will follow up with you. Have a great day.”

The comments I’ve received were quite positive and genuinely appreciative. They find it quite refreshing and I am living our culture of great client service with every phone message I receive.
