I frequently get asked by attorneys and other professionals about the importance of having a LinkedIn profile. I have finally come up with a simple and concise way to explain the need for creating a robust LinkedIn profile. Here it is:
If you have a LinkedIn profile, think of it as a first impression or your curb appeal. When potential clients look for you, what do they find? Having an empty or crappy LinkedIn profile is worse than having none at all.
Check your online presence. Google It. Search for yourself online. What comes up first? Chances are your LinkedIn profile or Avvo profile are listed at the top. Is it what you expected? Is it what you’d like people to see about you? What would a person who didn’t know you think?
If you are ready to start using LinkedIn as the business development tool it is so well designed for, but need help creating your profile and your firm profile, please give me a call. It is something I enjoy doing and enjoy teaching. By the way, be sure to check that Avvo profile while you are at it. Think you don’t have one – look again.
There is also the ethical responsibility part of being online. If you're going to be online, you are responsible for making sure the content adheres to the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Here is a link to my recent seminar that discusses some of the ethical pitfalls of being online and how to avoid them. “Your Social Media Presence – Adhering to Ethics Rules While Being Social“
Peggy Gruenke, Owner/Consultant LawBizCOO/LegalBizSuccess
Specializing in Law Firm Practice Management and Business Development for solo and small firm attorneys. Peggy can be found on Twitter @PeggyGruenke, LinkedIn and at www.legalbizsuccess.com. pgruenke@lawbizsuccess.com.