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How Kenect Works

Smart Financial Solutions for Law Firms

How Kenect Works: An Introduction to the Texting Platform

In the past two years, law firms have no doubt seen a shift in the way clients communicate with lawyers, and these changes don’t seem to be going away anytime soon. One of the biggest changes we have seen in the last 18 months is through the use of texting.

Kenect helps law firms with this, by building simple texting tools that are easy-to-use. Thousands of companies across North America use our platform to text their customers, generate online reviews, gather leads from their websites, video chat, and collect payments.

Why should law firms use texting? 

It all boils down to simplicity and convenience. We are seeing that customers are not answering their phones as much anymore. Around 78% of clients in the U.S. say receiving a text message is the fastest way to reach them for important information about a case. Also, 95% of all text messages are opened within three minutes.

The Kenect texting platform is set up like an email inbox on your computer or phone. We connect it through the existing phone line at your law firm, so you don’t have to give out any personal information. This will allow you to see who is texting you, who you have responded to, and assign employees to each client.

How can law firms generate more online reviews?

Online reviews are one of the biggest topics we discuss with law firms. Kenect has helped thousands of businesses double their reviews in just 90 days, and it all starts with texting.

You want reviews to come from people who had a good experience. You can send them a text, though the Kenect platform, asking for a review, and they will get a link that allows them to respond within minutes.

Use texting, not email. In our research Kenect is 35 times more effective than email at collecting reviews. As we talked about earlier in this article, clients look at texts more frequently than other forms of communication, and they would rather get a text than an email or phone call.

You can set up the link for reviews on any site, but Google is the main source clients look at. We are seeing around 97% of clients go to Google first when they want to find a law firm, and they trust reviews to guide them to the best choice. Law firms need to have an easy way to let great clients leave great reviews.

What law firms can to do gather more leads?

The lead numbers change with the season, and that’s where response times become critical. Kenect offers law firms an easy way to capture more leads and respond quickly.

You can add a “text us” widget onto your website. Kenect has added thousands of these buttons to business websites. This way, when a client asks for information, they can just click on the widget, it goes into the Kenect system, and the firm can respond to it anywhere, at any time.

You can also set up an auto-response, so that you can capture all potential clients, even after-hours.

Can law firms conduct video consultations through the Kenect platform?

We have set up a video chat feature within the Kenect platform that allows law firms to easily talk with clients. This has become more common in recent months with the reduction of as face-to-face interactions.

Lawyers can send a link to their clients, potentially dozens at a time, to direct them to the video chat feature. The client then clicks on the link, and the chat will start. This can be done on the computer, or on a mobile device. It’s a simple way to talk to a client about a case, without having to meet in-person, or explain difficult strategies over text.

How do law firms use text-to-pay?

Getting clients to pay is one of the more difficult things law firms are facing. Some don’t pay on-time, or not at all, and it’s putting the burden on firms to spend more time pressing for payments. 

Text-to-pay is a simple solution that allows firms to send a link, with the payment total, over to a client. The client can then fill out the information themselves, entering their credit card information, and then send it back for processing. It takes just minutes on their end and saves times for the law firm.

Employees can now cut back on the amount of time they worry about payments, and it offers a fast solution to the client, who can pay from the comfort of home.

These are just a few of the many solutions Kenect is offering law firms through texting. If you haven’t already, make sure your firm is finding ways to change some of the most basic practices and offering more ways for the client to reach you.

About the Author:

Ben Leighton is a Content Marketing Manager with Kenect. He previously worked in the journalism industry for over a decade, creating multimedia content on various platforms. You can find Ben on Linkedin and Twitter.

About Kenect:

Kenect helps businesses connect with their customers. We build simple texting tools that are elegant and easy-to-use. Thousands of companies across North America use our platform to text their customers, generate online reviews, gather leads from their websites, video chat, and collect payments.

Based in the Silicon Slopes of Utah, our team is committed helping businesses improve their customer experience and customer communication.

To learn more about Kenect, visit or text us at (513) 463-1817.

CPN Legal is proud to be partnering with Kenect for text messaging with clients. We are excited to try out this new technology firsthand for our clients. We’re excited to add a Text Us button on our website that integrates directly into Clio Grow to automatically set up contacts. And we can now accept payments via text with the LawPay integration.

Want to set up a demo and see how Kenect integrates with Clio? Contact Nicole Tedford at – or send us a text at (513) 463-1817!
