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Start the Year with a Solid Trust Accounting Foundation

Smart Financial Solutions for Law Firms
Trust accounting basics

Need help with your trust accounting? Reach out to the CPN Legal team, we are here to help.

Law school does not adequately prepare you for the day-to-day business of running a firm. It is imperative that you pay close attention to the handling of your trust account. How you handle your client’s funds cannot be compromised. Each state has different requirements, and you are tasked with compliance. State bars are not shy about enforcing their rules concerning trust account violations nor should they be.

Trust account violations

Many states have rules in place regarding how attorneys must maintain lawyers’ trust accounts. These rules vary from state to state but the common underlying theme is that as a lawyer, it is your job to act as a fiduciary of client funds. Most states have adopted Rules of Professional Conduct to help guide you in the maintenance and recordkeeping requirements related to client trust accounts. Please refer to your individual state rules. We will not cover all rules related to handling and maintaining trust accounts by state, but will educate you on how to handle your trust account transactions and help you abide by any state-imposed rules.

Click Here To Download: Trust Accounting Basicsa complete step-by-step outline of what you need to do to open and operate your own trust account: from choosing a bank to developing proper trust account management procedures.
