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If you Give a Client a Cookie…

Smart Financial Solutions for Law Firms
An advertisement for CPN Legal showing a box of cookies labeled "Happy 513 Day from Cincinnati, Ohio".

They May Come Back for More

In a recent conversation with one of our clients about one of their more demanding clients, I was reminded of the children’s book called “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” by Laura Joffe Numeroff. If you aren’t familiar with the story, a mouse asks for a cookie. This leads to a request for milk to accompany his cookie, which leads to still further requests which keeps the boy busy all day long taking care of the needs of the mouse.  Through a series of cause and effect, the boy listens to the needy mouse and acts upon the requests. In the end, the mouse ends up asking for another cookie and the cycle begins again.

Demonstrating active listening skills and consistent responsiveness to client needs is essential for client retention.  Clients care as much about communication as they do about ability or the quality of work product.  As an attorney, quality of engagement is instrumental in determining whether your client returns in the future or disengages completely, feeling frustrated and dissatisfied.  You invest a lot of time and energy interacting with your clients.  You want to give them a reason to ask for that next cookie.

Try this:  Order a batch of locally baked cookies with your logo on them.  Keep them in the freezer, and at your new client meetings, include a wrapped cookie with your new client packet.

Let them know you’ll be there to take care of their needs. When you close a matter, ask for feedback and how you did. Ask for a referral and if they know of anyone you could help. I am sure you will make a memorable impression on them – enough so that they will tell a few friends.
