Climbing the Mountain of Financial Analysis
In January we closed out our blog post with Resolution number 10, “We will regularly evaluate our firm’s financial reports.” What does that process look like for you? Do you know how to tell if you’re making money or just getting by? What numbers should you be paying attention to? In order to help you […]
New Year 2022 Resolutions: Building Better Billing
2022 is here! Take a moment to reassess your habits from 2021 and make your new year resolutions. You and your team are busy, and no one enjoys chasing after clients for payment of outstanding invoices. It’s time to develop and refine your collections strategy. You can make your bill collecting process easier by making […]
Get Paid for Your Work: How You Bill Matters
It’s a fact. We like getting paid for our work. Unfortunately, the time and effort attorneys and their teams put in isn’t always compensated. The good news is, there are changes you can make to help your firm reduce the number of invoices to clients that go unpaid. Consider these aspects of your business as […]
Best Practices for Legal Billing and Getting Paid
In September 2021, Peggy sat down with our friends at Legalboards to share a few Best Practices for Legal Billing and Getting Paid. Check out the replay below!
Legal Tech Tools: Never Stop Evaluating Your Process
As a practice owner or managing partner, it’s so easy to get into a routine for how you handle your business processes. Routines and SOP’s help make the world go round and having them is important for your firm! The challenge you face as a manager is preventing that routine from becoming a rut. […]
Meet LawKPIs
Time IS Money: 3 Ways a Legal Analytics Solution Closes the Gap Between Lost Time and Lost Revenue In your industry, time literally IS money. It’s easy to see that the two are inextricably tied together, but that’s the only thing easy about the complex inner workings of a law firm and the lives it […]
Handling Settlement Funds in Clio and QuickBooks
Handling settlement funds correctly has a distinct flow. Not sure how that flow should go? Don’t worry! We’ve put together these steps to walk you through the process. DOWNLOADABLE VERSION Onward to the steps! All settlement funds must be deposited into firm’s IOLTA account and verified as cleared deposits before checks are written against funds. […]
Clio Tip: Using Court Rules
Before adding rules to a Matter, you will have to select a list of up to 10 jurisdictions and configure the Court Rules default settings. For instructions on configuring Court Rules settings, click HERE. Adding and Managing Court Rules on a Matter You can add a Court Rule from the main Calendar screen, or the Calendar tab of a […]
Where To Start Your Firm’s 6-Month Profitability Check
This article was originally written for Attorney at Work in 2014. It has been re-written and updated for this blog post. 2021 is almost halfway through. Soon you’ll be sitting down to do your monthly reconciliation for June. You may be tempted to go through your usual steps and call it done. Instead, we recommend […]